Menus   Apple Menu   The Apple Menu gives you information about Euro Assistant and lets you register your copy of Euro Assistant. It also lists the desk accessories and the files in the "Apple Menu Items" folder.   • About Euro Assistant... Displays the "About Euro Assistant" dialog box, which provides information about the current version of Euro Assistant, about shareware fees and about how to contact MaBaSoft. By clicking the "Register Online" button in the "About Euro Assistant" box, you can register online your copy of Euro Assistant. • Register... Displays the "MaBaSoft Registration" dialog box. Type in your authorized serial number and user name exactly as they appear in the MaBaSoft Registration letter and click the "Register" button to register your copy of Euro Assistant. The "Register..." command is not displayed if your copy of Euro Assistant is registered. File Menu   The File Menu commands let you configure Euro Assistant and save or print the Tape window's content.   • Language submenu Euro Assistant is a multilingual application running in the 8 languages of the Economic and Monetary Union: English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and Finnish. The "Language" submenu lets you switch from one language to another. • Switch Currency submenu Lists the 11 EMU national currencies together with 9 other non-EMU currencies and lets you switch to a different currency in the active display (see also Euro Assistant Window). The "Switch Currency" submenu is disabled if the EUR display is active. • Add Currency Adds a new display and currency in the Euro Assistant window. The added currency is the first enabled currency in the "Switch Currency" submenu, which is not already displayed. Disabled if Euro Assistant already displays all 11 EMU national currencies plus a non-EMU currency. • Remove Currency Removes the active display and currency from the Euro Assistant window. Disabled if two currencies are listed in the Euro Assistant window (EUR + an EMU national currency or a non-EMU currency) or if the EUR display is active (see also Euro Assistant Window). • Currencies... Opens the "Currencies" dialog box, which provides information about Euro Assistant's currencies (ISO codes, conversion or exchange rates, rounding, modification dates). The "Currencies" dialog box lets you edit non-EMU currencies exchange rates and specify roundings. See also Currencies Dialog Box. • Show Tape/Hide Tape Displays or hides Euro Assistant's Tape window. See also Tape Window. • Save Tape... Lets you save the content of the Tape window to a text file. Disabled if the Tape window is hidden or if it is empty. See also Tape Window. • Page Setup... Displays the "Page Setup" dialog box and lets you specify the printing format and quality. • Print Tape... Lets you print the content of the Tape Window. Disabled if the Tape window is hidden or if it is empty. See also Tape Window. • Quit Quits Euro Assistant. If the Tape window is not empty, Euro Assistant asks you if you want to save the Tape window's content before quitting. Edit Menu   The Edit Menu commands enable you to edit the active display's content, to undo the last performed action and to clear and advance the Tape.   • Undo Cancels the effect of the last performed action. Disabled if the last action cannot be undone. • Cut Copies the content of the active display in the Euro Assistant window to the clipboard and zeroes all displays. • Copy Copies the content of the active display in the Euro Assistant window to the clipboard. • Paste Copies the content of the clipboard to the active display in the Euro Assistant window and calculates all other displayed currencies' equivalents. If the clipboard's content is an algebraic expression (e.g. 32+55,5+18*2), Euro Assistant pastes the expression's result (e.g. 123,5) in the active display (see also Calculating and Converting Expressions). If the clipboard's content is not suitable for being inserted into the active display, zero is pasted. • Clear Zeroes all displays in the Euro Assistant window. • Clear Tape Clears the Tape window's content. Disabled if the Tape window is hidden or if it is empty. See also Tape Window. • Advance Tape Inserts a blank line in the Tape. See also Tape Window.